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s e r v i c e s
Need help pulling a room together? Helm Collective now offers in-home design consultations. These are one-hour sessions where we take a look at a room in your home that has you stumped. Not sure how to style a bookcase or arrange your living room furniture, then this might be for you. Essentially, this is an extension of the conversations we have in the shop everyday, only instead of looking at pictures on your phone, I can actually stand in the space and get a feel for what might help. These are meant to be one-time sessions that empower you to transform the space within your own timeframe and budget, but there may be opportunities for longer term projects if the situation lends itself to that. Availability is limited, so email now to schedule your session.
e: hello@thehelmcollective.com
p o r t f o l i o (coming soon)
Bohemian Wedding
Bohemian Modern
Lofted Apartment
Loft Living Room vintage home goods